By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

Normally the planets orbit a star,
But (what a visual paradox!)
When Venus meets the Pleiades,
A planet is surrounded by stars!
And if you have a rendezvous with them
Check the environs
Not to be bothered by anyone
When you say shyly:
“Good evening, beautiful ladies.”
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Maximilian Teodorescu is a physicist at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics and the Institute of Space Science in Magurele (a satellite of Bucharest, nicknamed “the town of science”), where, together with a specialized team, he recently developed a current variant of the Planeterrella experiment.

He is also a pride of Romanian astrophotography (a field in which he received a few national and international awards) and an excellent collaborator for the projects of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM (especially “Noi si Cerul” / Us and the Sky TV Show).

Through my GAM time tunnel I remarked that on April 3, 2020, Maximilian Teodorescu caught the three heavenly bodies which are reproduced on Romania’s coat of arms: Sun, Moon and Venus (in a festive meeting) in telescopic variants.

“Planet Venus is once again
near, or in
the Pleiades star cluster…
Lovely sight!”
-Maximilian Teodorescu-

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