By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

Astro-photo-poem (cosmopoem) by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Bucharest, July 11, 2020. 

At one edge of the historical centre,
the Zlatari Church
(founded in 1636,
remade later and flanked by lateral blocks
ordered by an atheist regime)
made me think of
human life under dictatorship.

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In the historical centre,
the Saint Dumitru Church
(founded in the 15th century,
remade later and keeping its old garden) 
made me think of
human life in free democracy. 

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At another edge of the historical centre,
Saint John’s New Church,
(founded in 1766,
remade later and flanked by even higher blocks
ordered by the atheist regime)
made me think of
human life in times of pandemic.

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But finally,
an optimistic vision of the same Earth
as a planet of peace
orbiting the same Sun
and able to flourish.

(Or… was that just
a personal wish?)

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