What is it? Asteroid Day is a international awareness movement where people learn about asteroids and what we can do to protect our planet and future generations. Asteroid Day will be held on the anniversary of the 1908 Siberian Tunguska event, the largest asteroid impact on Earth in recent history.

On June 30, why not plan to go out and try to see asteroid Pallas or Ceres as they will be visible from now through to event day and share your experience with friends, family or your local club. If you see an asteroid or are planning on an Asteroid Day event, tell us about it on our Members' Report. Also go ahead and share your photos and stories on our Facebook and Twitter feeds. We do love to hear from you.

Find out more about Asteroid Day with AsteroidDay.org. There are many events happening around the world and loads of information about the day on this website. You can also register your happening and add it to the map.