Submitted by Eliatosha Maleko

At Ilboru primary school with the total of 1250 students there are different subject clubs but Geography and Science clubs are the ones with huge number of students. This is due curious nature of the students and nature of the two subjects towards responding to their curiosity. What interest them the most is the relation between what is up in the sky in connection to their environment.

On today’s night standard five students wanted to know more about nearby planets which we can see at night like Venus and Jupiter. And most of the students were happy to learn about these planets with the aid of different resources like telescopes, as seen in the pictures.

They were amazed with the distance between these planets from the Sun and number of days and time used by these two planets to rotate and revolve. Example Venus is 108 million km, Jupiter is 779 million km from the Sun. And Venus take 224.7 Earth days to revolve around the Sun and has a diameter of 12104 km, while Jupiter takes 12 Earth years to revolve around the Sun once with diameter of 139,822 km.

Beside planet watch the students had a chance to learn about many other things like they dying of stars and different types of start clusters like galaxy and others. On understanding the two planets of Venus and Jupiter they were able to understand their structure as one being rock planet and the other gaseous planet.

The students and teacher are thankful to UNAWE, Telescopes to Tanzania and Astronomers without Boarders for taking the science of astronomy to their school and capacitate their teacher to teach them and create link of astronomy and their classroom studies. However Ilboru students posed some question of which they would like to get response from others.

1. Are there organisms living in these other planets?
2. For those who are going there how are they able to survive?
3. Can’t their spaceships fall and how are they controlled?

Ilboru students would like to get response from fellow students in other place and learn together.