100 Hours of Astronomy Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)

Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) has been asked to take the lead for a major part of the 100 Hours of Astronomy Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). For 100-hours in early April 2009 the world’s astronomers, enthusiasts, educators and other participants will bring continuous astronomy activities to the public the worldwide. AWB will take the lead for planning, organizing and implementing the portion of 100 Hours that involves amateur astronomers, including sidewalk astronomy, setting up telescopes at science centers and holding observing sessions in schools. AWB’s growing Affiliate network and extensive connections were important factors in the IYA2009 leadership’s decision to approach us to lead this important task.

The 100 Hours of Astronomy represents a great opportunity for AWB’s Affiliate network to lead the way in the world’s greatest public outreach event. And it won’t just be separate star parties. New media technologies will allow everyone to experience the event in distant places, with interaction making it one big event. A 24-hour global star party, originally planned as an AWB activity, will now be part of the 100 Hours of Astronomy, not only bringing astronomy to the public but connecting AWB Affiliates and others.

The 100 Hours of Astronomy will take place from April 2 to 5, 2009, and is likely to be the highest-profile event of the International Year of Astronomy.  Extensive media coverage is expected as more organizations join the event.  International Sidewalk Astronomy Night has set its next event for that date and other organizations and IYA2009 projects are expected to join in as well.  Astronomers Without Borders is very proud of its part in this great, global celebration of astronomy.




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