MOONWATCH For MoonWatch, let's observe the phases and some features of the Moon. You can use naked eye observations, look through binoculars, or a telescope. Understanding Moon Phases is a great place to start appreciating the Moon! Make sure you share your experience with the world on Facebook or the Flickr group and Tweet using #GAM2013 and/or #MoonWatch hashtag ( @gam_awb ). The Discover the COSMOS Challenge is a great opportunity, open to teachers, trainers, and students from all over the world. Read more . Check the dates and times of the Moon phases at your location . Date Phase...

The AWB AstroArt program aims at bridging gaps between the arts, science, astronomy and culture. In this program, we’ll be presenting inspiring and thought-provoking works on the arts and science, probing and questioning their interaction and limits. Follow the AstroArt blog for more info. Dates and times are subject to change. All events are hosted courtesy of CosmoQuest via Google Hangouts On Air. Click the link where it says location and you'll go to the event. Translate Universal Time (UT) to your time . Recordings of the hangouts will be made available when possible. Date Time Title Type 5 April...

Date Program 31 March to 9 April GLOBE at Night 1 to 22 April International Earth and Sky Photo Contest 5 to 11 April International Dark Sky Week 29 April to 8 May GLOBE at Night Check out the International Dark-Sky Resources and the Dark Skies Awareness Blog .

Date Program 22 March to 26 April IASC Asteroid Search Campaign 31 March to 9 April GLOBE at Night 7 April SunDay 12 April Yuri's Night 29 April to 8 May GLOBE at Night

Date Program 1 to 30 April Astropoetry Contest for GAM2013 5 to 28 April AstroArt - Click on the link for event dates 17 April Messier Marathon (online observing event) (Rescheduled) 18 April Walking on the Moon (online observing event) 20 April Stars for All (online observing event) 27 April Around the Ringed Planet (online observing event) 28 April Cosmic Concert (online live event) 30 April Cosmic Depths (online observing event)