The AWB AstroArt program aims at bridging gaps between the arts, science, astronomy and culture. In this program, we’ll be presenting inspiring and thought-provoking works on the arts and science, probing and questioning their interaction and limits.

Follow the AstroArt blog for more info.

Dates and times are subject to change. All events are hosted courtesy of CosmoQuest via Google Hangouts On Air. Click the link where it says location and you'll go to the event.  Translate Universal Time (UT) to your time.

Recordings of the hangouts will be made available when possible. 





 5 April 18:00 - 18:30 UT

Mauna Kea (Matthew Whitehouse, 2012)

 5 April  19:00 UT

Activities at the Dwingeloo radio telescope (Jan van Muijlwijk)

12 April 14:30 - 16:30 UT

Overview (Planetary Collective, 2012)

WATCH the hangout (recorded) via CosmoQuest

Film & Panel Presentation
 14  April 18:00- 19:30 UT

No Gravity (Silvia Casalino, 2011, 60 min, documentary)

Film and Q&A
20 April 18:00 -18:30 UT

Le Voyage dans La Lune - a Trip to the Moon (Daniela de Paulis, 2012, 9'58'', digital video)

Film and Q&A
21 April  18:00 - 19:00 UT

Contemporary Arts Practice and Outer Space: Art After Sputnik (Richard Clar, Daniela de Paulis, Roger Malina)

Panel Presentation

25 April 20:00 - 20:30 UT

8 Years Around Saturn, 5'11", 2012;

Dawn at Vesta: 8 months in orbit, 1'43," 2013;

Total Lunar Eclipse 15 June 2011, 1'06," 2011

(Nahum Chazarra, digital video)

(Julio Vannini, google hangout translator)

Film and Q&A
26 April 23:00- 23:45 UT

Aerogel, Jupiter, and Galileo's Bones: Creative Endeavors at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Dan Goods)

WATCH the hangout (recorded) via CosmoQuest

27 April 19:00 UT - 20:30 UT

Serene Universe (Maarten Roos, William Zeitler, 2013, 55 mins)

WATCH the hangout (recorded) via CosmoQuest

Film and Q&A
28 April 19:00 - 20:15 UT

Cosmic Concert (Giovanni Renzo, 2013)

