Event Reports
GAM - Observation at Morro da Serrinha (Global Astronomy Month) - April 25, 2019.
The Pleiades Astronomical Club of the South held on Thursday, April 25 and 2019, binocular and telescopic observations of the Moon, the planet Saturn, the planet Jupiter, the Jovian Galilean... Read More...
GAM - Observation at Morro da Serrinha (Global Astronomy Month) - April 25, 2019.
The Pleiades Astronomical Club of the South held on Thursday, April 25 and 2019, binocular and telescopic observations of the Moon, the planet Saturn, the planet Jupiter, the Jovian Galilean... Read More...
GAM - Second Itinerant Telescope at the Oscar Niemayer Museum (Global Astronomy Month) - April 21, 2019.
The Southern Pleiades Astronomy Club held its third "Global Astronomy Month Edition 2019" event for the second time at the Oscar Niemayer Museum on April 21, 2019 because the last... Read More...
GAM - Itinerant Telescope at the Oscar Niemayer Museum (Global Astronomy Month) - April 19, 2019.
The Southern Pleiades Astronomy Club held its second "Global Astronomy Month Edition 2019" event one day after its debut. Once again we carried out the most democratic project of disseminating... Read More...
Lumbini College Night Sky Observation Camp 2019

To celebrate the Global Astronomy Month (GAM) and also the Moon Landing Anniversary, Nalanda College Astronomical Society (NCAS) and Nalanda College Alumni Astronomical Society (NCAAS) conducted a night sky observation... Read More...
GLOBAL ASTRONOMY MONTH 2018 - Pristina, Kosovo

My heart swells when you see the faces of the people after looking through a solar telescope for the 1st time. To mark the "Astronomy Week" and GAM - Global... Read More...
GAM2018 - Austria
We had fine weather here in Austria - not taken for granted in April ;-) - so the members of our local astronomy association " Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschaft " could... Read More...
Global Astronomy Month 2018 – Philippines
Global Astronomy Month 2018 – Philippines Report from the AWB National Coordinator for the Philippines The Global Astronomy Month celebrations in the Philippines was participated by various astronomy organizations with... Read More...
Global Star Party: Evening under the stars
On Friday, April 20 th , 2018, pupils of the 9 th grade under the Global Star Party project organized an observation of the evening sky titled Evening under the... Read More...
Fly me to the moon Farewell and All Gam is Done Again
Sunday night even with extended holidays a lot of enthusiasts and Gunstars attended our beloved hill of the German where the traditional meetings of the full moon are held, ending... Read More...
Astronomical activity for young kids with disabilities.
On Tuesday 24 April 2018 at 10:00 pm Under the initiative of the Association EL-BASMA from Guerrara, I have animated an astronomy program for her members. - Observation of: Moon,... Read More...
Sunday Clube 2018
One day sun pool observation Astronomy and lots of friendship in another Sunday Epic. Um dia sol piscina observação Astronomia e muita amizade em mais um Sunday Epico. Read More...
Global Star Party - Keep Following the Brightness of Star Part 1.
Friends and compatriots of space in all nations of the earth, remain confident in the power of knowledge and astronomy to change the world, and true that much more has... Read More...
Indigenous Awareness Day Live Meeting was a Success
Ary Martins (director of the Gunstar Academy of Explorers) Lamartine Brazil history teacher and minister of History of Astronomy in a super Live with President of Gunstar Team Clayton Gubio... Read More...
Bramon Gunstar DSO 01 Inauguration was a Success
ith this station Goias enters the scenario of the monitoring with the Brazilian meteorological monitoring network Bramon, this network is 24h with an eye in the sky in search of... Read More...
Adventures in Pirenópolis was a success. 3 Super Gunstar Academy Academy It was a success.
3 days of lots of adventure relying on nature photography and astrophotography a wonderful and fun event for the whole family. 3 dias de muita aventura contando com a natureza... Read More...
Astronomical Observations in Romania (Comana)
On the 14 th of April 2018, some members of Astroclubul Bucuresti, Romania spent one night under the stars in Comana, Giurgiu County, Romania. Participans: Cristian Stancu, Daniel Bertesteanu, Ioan... Read More...
Journey in The Night Sky - Students of University - Guerrara
On 28 March 2018 , at Elhayat Institute - Guerrara, Algeria The Astronomic Club of Association Angham Elhayat organized for some students of Ghardaia university an astronomical presentation: A journey... Read More...
Second class at the Academy was a success.
More than tripled the number of entries in the second class of the Academy and we hope to keep and increase the number until the end of this Gam2018 Edition... Read More...
Introduction to the Night Sky

As part of the Global Astronomy Month, Astronomy Outreach conducted a public outreach program and a half night Star Party for the residents of Kabra Galaxy Star III, in Thane... Read More...