"Astronomietag" - Day of Astronomy 2017 in Germany

Alexander Weis
25 March 2017
Time: 00:00 until 24:00

The society of German Amateur Astronomers (Vereinigung der Sternfreunde - VdS) is proud to represent AWB in Germany. With regards to daylight saving we have scheduled the GAM event for Germany at Saturday, 25th of March. So we just could not wait for the offical start of GAM in April.

At the "Astronomietag" - The Day of Astronomy on Saturday the 25th  of March over 200 events ranging from events for the neighbourhood, sidewalk astronomy, star parties, and open house days of observatories will take place.

At http://www.vds-astro.de/ueber-die-vds/astronomietag/astronomietag-gesamtansicht.html you can find a view of Germany that lists all public events. We just reached 150 and still counting!

Happy GAM to everyone!

Contact Details:

Alexander Weis

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Entry Fee:



Germany - Various locations
