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Member Reports and inAstrónomos Sin Fronteras España

Apr 05

April 2020 in Spain

Hello every body !! This April the activities of the GAM are being diminished by the Covid-19 pandemic and in Spain the astronomical associations are also diminished in activities. Here we have a saying: "There is no harm that does not come for good" and that is why we resort to online methods to organize activities that arise as the days go by. For this reason, associations do not have a fixed schedule and we are doing as ideas arise. On the Twitter of AWB of Spain I am putting the activities of the associations that promote their activities online,... Read More...

Mar 09

March 2020 in Spain

Hello friends, The month of March is presented loaded with activities in Spain: In the province of Vigo we will have a conference. In the province of Pamplona we will have a couple of observations, a round table, a concert, an astronomical outing and the screening of a documentary about Apollo 11. In the province of Burgos we will have 2 astronomical outings. In the province of Zaragoza 4 conferences, in Sabadell we will have 3 and 2 more in Alicante. In the province of Malaga there will be a workshop, 2 conferences and two astronomical outings. In the province... Read More...

Oct 11

Summary InOMN Spain

Hello everybody !! InOMN activities in Spain have already been completed and we have again broken records: On October 5, the International Moon Observation Night (InOMN) was held, an annual event organized by the Communication and Education team of NASA's LRO mission, which brings the whole world together in his observation. In Spain, 101 activities were registered, of which 23 were organized by FAAE associations. Museums, observatories, associations, schools, institutes and individuals joined the great celebration of the Moon, which reached more than 2000 activities worldwide. The event presented several formats in addition to direct observation with telescopes and binoculars,... Read More...

Sep 06

International Observe the Moon Night - InOMN 2019

Astronomers Without Borders invites all astronomical organizations and entities to participate in the 10th annual International Observe the Moon Night. We also invite the public to find an event OR just look up and enjoy the Moon. On October 5th, let's celebrate International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN)! "International Observe the Moon Night is a worldwide celebration of lunar science and exploration held annually since 2010. One day each year, everyone on Earth is invited to join NASA and other organizations to observe and learn about the Moon together, and to celebrate the cultural and personal connections we all have... Read More...

Aug 11

Activities in Spain August 2019

1.- Workshop: The phases of La Luna with Oreo cookies, in the Astronomical Group of Huesca 2.- Guided observation of the sky, in the Astronomical Group of La Rioja 2.- Guided observation of the sky with binoculars and telescopes, in the Astronomical Group of Huesca 3.- Exhibition: Journey to the Moon, 50th Anniversary in the Astronomical Group of Huesca 3.- Conference: The origin of gold in the death of the stars and exhibition of precious metals, in the Astronomical Association of Burgos 3.- Conference: 50 years of Apollo 11, in the Astronomical Group of Huesca 3.- Talk and astronomical observations,... Read More...

Aug 02

Perseids 2019

As every year, in the month of August, we have the classic "Perseids", a stream of meteors that is produced by combustion in the atmosphere of dust and rockery from the tail of comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle, whose radiant is found in the constellation Perseus, hence its name. Graph made with Stellarium From July 17 to August 24, the Earth will be crossing this area of ​​debris deposited by the comet, but the night of 12 to 13, between 23h and 5h, will be when you can enjoy more, since it will reach its maximum THZ with 100 meteors per... Read More...

Jul 17

Activities in Spain July 2019

This month is marked by the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of man on the Moon and most of the activities presented are related to this event. From Spain we present you a whole Party Moon. 1.- Apollo XI Exhibition: 50th Anniversary of the arrival of man on the Moon, at the Astronomical Association of Bierzo 2.- Apollo XI Exhibition: 50th Anniversary of the arrival of man on the Moon, at the Astronomical Association of Bierzo 3.- Apollo XI Exhibition: 50th Anniversary of the arrival of man on the Moon, at the Astronomical Association of Bierzo 3.- Conference: 'Orion Program... Read More...

Jun 24

Activities in Spain Juny 2019

These are the different activities open to the public that are presented by the Federation of Astronomical Associations of Spain (FAAE) for the month of June: 1.- Astronomy Workshop: color your own story and nocturnal observations by the Astronomical Association of Huesca 2.- Conference: 50th anniversary of Apollo XI by the Navarra Astronomy Association 4.- Conference: astronomical navigation, a case study by the Astronomical Association of Madrid 4.- Conference: Stars with them, by the Sociedad Malagueña de Astronomía 6.- Conference: Optical instrumentation in the search for life on Mars, by the Sociedad Malagueña de Astronomía 7.- Observation of the night... Read More...

May 31

Asteroid Day in Spain

As every year, since 2015, June 30 marks the anniversary of the impact of Tunguska, an event that has marked the importance of keeping an eye on the sky 24 hours a day due to the possibility of the impact of an asteroid that could cause extinction. human or part of it. Asteroid Day is a dynamic awareness and education program to make the world aware of the dangerous potential of some asteroids. This program is administered by Asteroid Foundation, a non-profit organization in Luxembrgo. The activities are organized independently around the world for people of all ages, totally free.... Read More...

Apr 09

Activities in Spain April 2019

April is a rainy month in Spain, so it is a bad date to participate in the activities of GAM, but that does not mean that they stop doing activities. Here is a summary of the main activities: 01.- Conference: "El Sol" in the Navarra Association of Astronomy. 02.- Physics course and nanotechnology conference at the Astronomical Association of Madrid. 02.- Stellar spectroscopy workshop at the Sociedad Malagueña de Astronomía. 04.- Conference: "Survive in space" in the Malagueña Society of Astronomy. 05.- Activities at the Lodoso Observatories (Burgos), by the Astronomical Association of Burgos. M33, photographed by César Blanco González... Read More...

Mar 04

Activities in Spain, March 2019

5 de marzo: curso de Física Básica en la Asociación Astronómica de Madrid. 5 de marzo: Conferencia 'Stephen Hawking, comentada por un adolescente' en la Asociación Astronómica de Madrid. 7 de marzo: Curso de Introducción a la Observación en la Asociación Astronómica de Madrid. 10 de marzo: Observación pública para observar la luna y constelaciones visibles desde la ciudad, por la Asociación Astronómica de la Región de Murcia. 11 de marzo: Conferencia 'Misiones espaciales de 2018', en la Asociación Navarra de Astronomía. 12 de marzo: Curso de Física Básica en la Asociación Astronómica de Madrid. 12 de marzo: Conferencia 'Stephen... Read More...

Mar 04

Activities in Spain, March 2019

March 5: Basic Physics course in the Astronomical Association of Madrid March 5: Conference 'Stephen Hawking, commented by a teenager' in the Astronomical Association of Madrid March 7: Course of Introduction to Observation in the Astronomical Association of Madrid March 10: Public observation to observe the Moon and constellations visible from the city, by the Astronomical Association of the Region of Murcia March 11: Conference 'Space Missions of 2018', in the Navarra Association of Astronomy March 12: Basic Physics Course in the Astronomical Association of Madrid March 12: Conference 'Stephen Hawking, his legacy as a person', in the Astronomical Association... Read More...

Feb 20

Planetariums of Spain

In Spain we have 8 planetariums where various activities of astronomical dissemination are carried out. Perhaps the best known is that of Madrid or Pamplona, ​​but we have others with the same importance. Then we leave the links to our planetariums so that you know them and you can visit them when you come to Spain: Planetario de Santander c/ Gamazo, 1 39004 Santander (Cantabria) web…: no tiene Eureka - Zientzia Museoa c/ Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 43 20009 Donostia (Gipuzkoa) web…: Planetario de Pamplona / Iruñeko Planetarioa c/ Sancho Ramçirez, s/n 31008 Pamplona (Navarra) web…: Planetario Municipal de Barcelona... Read More...

Feb 19

Activities in Spain, month of February 2019

20 feb.- Conferencia "Grandes estructuras del Universo" a cargo de Marta Uribe de la Asociación Astronómica de Madrid. 22 feb.- Taller "Asamblea de telescopios" en la Sociedad Astronómica de Álava. 21-22-23 feb.- Festival Umbra Light en Vitoria-Gasteiz organizado por la Sociedad Astronómica de Álava. 23 de febrero.- Curso de iniciación para jóvenes y curso de astrofotografía, en la Asociación Astronómica de la Región de Murcia. 23 feb.- Taller "Aprende a operar tu telescopio" en la Asociación Astronómica de Elche. 23.- Observación pública en el Observatorio de Puerto Lumbreras, organizada por la Asociación Astronómica de la Región de Murcia. M78 -... Read More...

Jan 26

Expoastronómica 2019

The fifth edition of "Expoastronómica" will contain a novel activity scheme where various sectors will be found to show the public the informative, institutional and business offer related to astronomy and the aerospace career. You sign up? click on the link for more information ... Read More...

Jan 24

AWB Spain 2019

2019 is very strong, the Centennial of the International Astronomical Union and the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the human being on the Moon. But there's more, look what we have planned ... February 11th. International Day of women and the girl in science. March 24, Earth Hour Around April 21, International Dark Sky Week and the International Day of Astronomy April 12, Yuri's Night May 16, International Day of Light June 30, Asteroid Day August 11-13, Perseids September 28, Day of the researchers October 4-10, World Space Week October 5, InOMN November, Week of the astronomical disclosure of... Read More...

Oct 27

InOMN 2018 in Spain

The International Night of the Observation to the Moon (InOMN) had great acceptance in Spain and nearly 100 activities took place between the 19th and 20th of October. This event organized by the outreach team of NASA's LRO mission has been carried out since 2010, but has not had so much impact until this year that it has been promoted in the country by the Astronomical Federation and the coordinator of Astronomers Without Borders in Spain , although some entities did know the event and also helped to promote the activity. Spain has been the country that has generated the... Read More...

Sep 18

InOMN 2018 with NASA

Dear friends, we are close to the International Night of the Moon Observation, only one month left. Another year the NASA LRO team organizes an activity worldwide. Are you going to miss it? Enter the web and register your activity so that everyone knows your participation and citizens can come to observe our satellite. You can also do it on our AWB website and if you are from Spain and belong to an association, you can also register your activity at the FAAE ... Estimados amigos, estamos cerca de la Noche Internacional de la Observación a la Luna,... Read More...

Jun 18

Asteroid Day 2018

Asteroid Day es una campaña de concienciación global aprobada por la ONU, para la divulgación del riesgo de impacto y formas de desviar un asteroide que se dirija a La Tierra. Unirse al Día del Asteroide, es unirse a esta campaña de concienciación que este año se organizará con miles de eventos autoorganizados para llegar al máximo público posible en las distintas localidades del mundo. El 30 de Junio se celebra el aniversario del evento Tunguska (Rusia), día elegido por la Fundación de Asteroid Day para organizar todo tipo de eventos relacionados con la campaña. Desde España queremos animar a... Read More...

May 08

Un GAM pasado por nubes

Así es como podríamos resumir las actividades realizadas en España. Gran parte del país estaba nublado y con lluvias, lo que impidió realizar muchas de las actividades programadas. Hubieron asociaciones que se esperaron hasta última hora para poder realizarlas, pero al final el GAM se disfrutó como se pudo. La actividad más activa fue el Star Party del 21 de Abril, en Elche acudieron alrededor de 150 personas, una cifra que se acerca a nuestra media habitual. Ahora toca recargar las pilas para celebrar el Día del Asteroide este próximo 30 de Junio. This is how we could... Read More...

May 08

Un GAM pasado por nubes

Así es como podríamos resumir las actividades realizadas en España. Gran parte del país estaba nublado y con lluvias, lo que impidió realizar muchas de las actividades programadas. Hubieron asociaciones que se esperaron hasta última hora para poder realizarlas, pero al final el GAM se disfrutó como se pudo. La actividad más activa fue el Star Party del 21 de Abril, en Elche acudieron alrededor de 150 personas, una cifra que se acerca a nuestra media habitual. Ahora toca recargar las pilas para celebrar el Día del Asteroide este próximo 30 de Junio. This is how we could... Read More...

Apr 20

Global Star Party 2018 en España

Todo listo para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Astronomía. En España se han sumado entidades de divulgación de astronomía de diversas localidades y provincias: Gerona, Barcelona, Cuenca, Madrid, Elche, Málaga y Jaén son algunas ejemplos de ello. También se harán otras actividades divulgativas como conferencias, talleres y cursos que se pueden consultar en la web de la Federación de Asociaciones Astronómicas de España (FAAE) . All ready to celebrate the International Day of Astronomy. In Spain astronomy outreach entities from various localities and provinces have joined: Gerona, Barcelona, Cuenca, Madrid, Elche, Malaga and Jaen are some examples of this.... Read More...

Apr 20

Concurso de frases inspiradoras a la noche oscura

La Semana Internacional del Cielo Oscuro, promocionada por la International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), fue creada en 2003 por una estudiante de secundaria, Jennifer Barlow, y se ha convertido en un evento internacional en el que participan múltiples países y muchas personas conscientes, como Jennifer, de la importancia que tiene promover la defensa de la oscuridad natural de la noche y del cielo nocturno como un derecho a preservar para las generaciones futuras. Este es uno de los objetivos fundamentales de la Federación de Asociaciones Astronómicas de España (FAAE). Hemos diseñado un concurso de frases escritas en castellano que evoquen el... Read More...

Mar 24

GAM 2018 in Spain

Hola amigos. Las asociaciones astronómicas de España nos estamos preparando para la Semana Internacional de Cielo Oscuro, donde celebraremos también el Día Internacional de la Astronomía y realizaremos observaciones a las Liridas en el Global Star Party del día 21. No nos olvidaremos del resto de actividades que completan el GAM, pero haremos más actividades en la semana donde defenderemos nuestros cielos oscuros. En pocos días pondremos nuestro cuadrante de actividades. Victoriano Canales Cerdá - Coord. AWB en España Hello friends. The astronomical associations of Spain are preparing for the International Dark Sky Week, where we will also... Read More...