Presented by the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
A project of SARM's Astropoetry Master Club and Friends

The project is both a legacy and a continuation of SARM's "Astropoetry for the International Year of Astronomy 2009".

It includes two major components:

    1. A reading of international astropoetry April 29, 2010, at the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Bucharest Municipal Observatory, in which will be read astropoems composed and received during GAM 2010.


  1. Creation of a web album, "Cosmopoetry - SARM and Friends," which will be launched in the second half of May 2010. In this album the astropoems from the April 29 reading will be combined with four kinds of images: (1) astrophotography; (2).astronomical events; (3).authors of the texts, who are encouraged to take pictures with them especially near astronomical events, observatories or planetariums; and (4) artwork created during GAM 2010.

The deadline for submissions (images and astronomical poems in the English language for the reading and the web album) is April 25.

Contact: Valentin Grigore

Website: Astropoetry to GAM2010

Counsellors: Bob Eklund (U.S.A.), Valentin Grigore (President of SARM, Romania), and Arlene Carol (U.S.A. - residing in Turkey)
Web designer-master: Florin Stancu (SARM)
Secretary: Alexandru Sebastian Grigore (SARM)
Coordinator: Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)