By Avivah Yamani Hoax… Is it a new trend…or failure of education system? Well I don't have an exact answer to that. But I always think of it as a lack of basic science in our society in Indonesia. Political situation in Indonesia also shares the evidence that people were easily fall into hoax news. It is also the case in astronomy. In 2003, we encounter Mars hoax for the first time. This issue circulated by email and claimed that Mars would look as big as the full Moon to the naked eye on August 27, 2003. People easily fall...

By Valentin Grigore The International Year of Astronomy 2009 was the most important global celebration of astronomy in the human history. After this incredible event when people from all over the world experienced together the beauties of the sky, Astronomers Without Borders continue to encourage people to share the same sky through Global Astronomy Month, a model about how we can promote astronomy and education through astronomy whole the year and for all people. The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) was founded in 1993 to fill the gap in popular astronomy created in Romania by a former totalitarian...

By Ricardo Cardoso Reis ( Planetário do Porto & Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço ) The Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva (Porto Planetarium - Living Science Center) opened to the public in November 1998, but its history actually started years before. It is a rare case of a science center managed by a research center. And when it was founded in 1989, the Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (and the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço , since CAUP's merger with its counterpart in the University of Lisbon) has in its statutory objectives...

By Kimberly Cullen When ever I get asked “So Kim, what do you do?” I generally say “I'm an astronomer (or astrophysicist if I want to sound super smart or theoretical astrophysicist if I really want to take someone down a peg) by trade and now I work as a science communicator”. Usually at this point I get asked “What's a science communicator?” which is something we can get into another time… What I want to talk about is what an astronomer does on a day to day basis. What do you think about when you think of what an...

By Jeff Dai The first TWAN Exhibition of China during the Global Astronomy Month is holding at Shanghai Astronomical Museum . The museum is a popular public place located at Sheshan Observatory founded by French Jesuits in 1900. As supported by Shanghai observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The exhibition will lasts 4 months (2017 March 26th - 2017 July) with the theme of “One World, One Sky”. It was created based on 40 photos which come from TWAN main gallery, Guest Gallery and Chinese TWAN contest winners. There are also a 8 minutes video and a regional map of the...