NÖ Volkssternwarte Austria

About Us

We are an Amateur Astronomers club in Lower Austria, Austria. Our name  is "Antares NÖ Amateurastronomen" with 100 members and we operate a public Observatory in Lower Austria named "NÖ Volkssternwarte".
Since opening in 2000, we have about 40,000 visitors. We offer two rooms for lectures, seminars and experiments for our children. There are three domes with telescopes for observing the night sky, the sun and photography are available. In addition there is a 3 m radio dish and the 5x5m research antenna e-callisto.


Location:3100 St. Pölten, Lower Austria, 3100
Email:Antares NÖ Amateura...
Phone:0043/ 676 571 19 24

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