SARM - Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy

About Us

The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) is the national astronomical society of Romania (amateur astronomy) with about 200 members and 11 national branches, promoting astronomy-culture-art-education-society connection. SARM organize every year since 1993 a National Astronomical Camp (including a summer astronomical school and a national Perseid observational network); a National Contest of Astrophotography and an International Showroom of Astronomical and Atmospheric Photos (every two years since 2000). In 1999 organized EuRo-Eclipse 99 event attended by over 200 participants coming from 20 coutries from 5 continents to see the total solar eclipse in Romania. In 2000 organized at Pucioasa, Romania, the 19th edition of the International Meteor Conference. The 30th edition of the International Meteor Organization Conference, IMC 2011, was also organized by SARM in Sibiu, Romania. SARM founded the Cosmopoetry Festival and the web portal COSMOPOETRY - SARM and Friends - Sky Lovers for the Beauty of the World. A live astronomy TV broadcast entitled "NOI si CERUL" (US and the SKY) is realized by SARM every two weeks at Columna TV Romanian televizion. SARM organize every year tens of activities for GAM since the first edition in 2010. Also, SARM is the national leader for the dark-sky protection against light pollution, attending many international meetings since 2009. More projects of SARM are dedicated to the public promotion of astronomy: sidewalk astronomy, exhibitions, astronomy in schools, sky observing expeditions, every year expedition in Canary Islands at astronomical observatories etc.


Location:Str. Tineretului nr. 1, Targoviste, Dambovita, 130016
Email:Valentin Grigore - P...
Email:Andrei Dorian Gheorg...
Phone:+40 722829034

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