WebsiteBannerGlasses June2020


AWB BLM Statement


Pedro Saizar


"Astrónomos sin Fronteras", the social network for AWB fans in Spanish, started one month ago today. And as I write this, I wait for our 1,000th friend to "like" us!


 We had a lot: observational alerts and tips, ideas for "Global Astronomy Month" and a good share of photos from friends, newer and older. The dark sky was a theme this past week, and even a little humor, like the "postcard" you can see here in English version. And more...

Many thanks are due to Fernando Roquel Torres from Puerto Rico, and Victoriano Canales Cerdá from Spain, who kindly agreed to help as assistant editors to the page.

Can you read a little Spanish? Wherever you are, please join us here:

Perhaps you will be our 1,000th friend today too!

About Me

Astronomer (PhD from Ohio state University), and educator. Outreach/ education coordinator at the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio. Advisor with local "Friends of Astronomy" group.


Location:Trelew, Chubut
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